Kinetic Sculpture Parade of Recycled Creations to Mark Earth Day in Key West

The Papio Kinetic Sculpture and Art Bike Parade will take place in Key West on April 22 to celebrate Earth Day. The parade will feature colorful mobile sculptures made from recycled materials, powered only by human effort. The event is in honor of Stanley Papio, a folk artist who used to weld recycled car parts, pipes, and wire to create sculptures. The parade is intended to inspire eco-friendly repurposing and recycled art, and entries will be crafted by local school groups and environmental supporters. The parade will take place on Duval Street and will be followed by a block party, where cash prizes and awards will be given to the creators of the best sculptures and art bikes. Participants can also visit the "Stanley Papio: Junkyard Rebel" exhibit at the Fort East Martello Museum for more inspiration.

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