24th Annual Key West Lobster Fest. Aug. 12-15

Lobster Fest. Kicks off on Thursday, August 12 at 5:00 PM in the Historic Seaport with a Lobster Boil. Limited availability. Tickets have not gone on sale yet, check back with https://keywestlobsterfest.com

Lobster Mini season is July 28-29, 2021 (The last consecutive Wednesday and Thursday of July each year.)

The regular 8 month lobster season is always August 6 through March 31. After the mini-season, lobster hunting is a lot more challenging but still makes for a great morning of boating, diving and fishing. Arrange for a boat rental and lodging in advance. Usual gear needed - Snorkel & Mask, Dive Fins, Tickle Stick (with measuring device), Net Bag, and Gloves made for the spiny lobster.

When diving for recreational spiny lobster in Monroe county, one must possess a legal measuring device in the water and measure before leaving the water. The carapace must be longer than 3 inches. They cannot be separated at sea and the tails must be 5 1/2 inches. ( Avoid shorts ) Also, note that only active divers onboard are counted towards the legal daily bag limits (6 per person for Monroe County). No night diving.